A downloadable asset pack

Hi, my name is Karla and this is my submission for Search for a Star 2023, Devana - Combat Ready.

This character is intended to be in a horror/action game - she's scared, but ready to throw down! This sequence takes her from her normal idle animation, through a transitional stage, and into her combat-ready idle. So, when in an unsafe level or when an enemy is nearby, she will notice and change her idle animation. 

Although this project is unfinished - as I have only managed to complete three animations - I had a lot of fun working on it! Even though I've run out of time to submit a complete version of it for Search for a Star, I am looking forward to finishing the rest of the animations in my own time.


This sequence contains three animations:

Idle 1: A neutral idle, intended for a safe room or a location in which enemies won't be nearby. She is alert - looking for threats and on guard, but not in any immediate danger.

Idle 2: A combat-themed idle state. She is intended to fight like a boxer - this is a very defensive stance, as she will likely be facing enemies much bigger (and scarier) than her.

Transitional: I wanted to keep an eye on the weight of this animation - although she seems light, she is supposed to be an strong fighter, and thus carries herself with a weight.


Devana Combat Ready - Video Sequence.mp4 18 MB
Devana-Combat-unreal-project.zip 939 MB
Devana Combat Ready document.pdf 6.4 MB

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